Create your own unique look by opting for a door pair maker. A clever solutions to create a double door effect with any two standard doors. Please Note: using a pair maker will add 10mm to your overall door width.
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 products
Black 35mm T-Lip Primed Pair Maker Pair Maker LPD Doors
White 35mm T-Lip Primed Pair Maker Pair Maker LPD Doors
Pair Maker Pre-Finished Oak Pair Maker XL Joinery
Pair Maker White Pair Maker XL Joinery
Oak 35mm T-Lip Pre-Finished Pair Maker Pair Maker LPD Doors
Oak Pair Maker Contemporary Style Pair Maker XL Joinery
Pair Maker Oak Pair Maker XL Joinery

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